The container2 edit thing in Magento catalog product view page

I can see that many asked the same question at magentoforums but i don’t think this is satisfactorily answered there. I am not sure where could i find the solution and then tried to find out for myself. Here’s the outcome so far.

In the main product/view.phtml you would want to edit the options list. I myself wanted to play with the options listed on the page.

The file option is located here, where seonitik is name of template (for me as i worked on an existing project):


And those text and other fields are forged here:


I still have to find out what is the name of the process which uses these files to build the option list.

And i found it. It’s located here:

app/design/frontend/default/seonitik/template/catalog/product/view/options.phtml where seonitik is the name of template folder.

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