Relating to a post I submitted a while back, along with creating a data connection on the fly I had to switch between two connections. That is, file based default connection and a dynamic connection based on user. Here is…
Month: July 2015
Remove remote directory from repository after adding it to .gitignore
I had a directory named sites added to my git repository. As it contained a bootstrap file having names of each new domain in multiple sites setup hosted in the single CakePHP application it contained different domain entries and folders…
Cakephp generate plugin schema
As you know one would generate the cakephp table schema as: $ cake schema generate
CakePHP Create Datasource on the fly
Want to switch between different databases in a CakePHP action? Do you want to use different database for different clients or sites? Don’t worry the solution more simpler than you thought it to be. Following this link and few other similar…