Exploring Get_Field() in WordPress ACF

Exploring Get_Field() in WordPress ACF

The get_field() function is a core function provided by the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin for WordPress. It(WordPress ACF) is used to retrieve the value of a custom field assigned to a specific post or page within your WordPress site.


$selector (string) (Required): – This parameter specifies the field name or field key that you want to retrieve. It serves as the identifier for the custom field you’ve set up using ACF.

$post_id (mixed) (Optional): – Specifies the ID of the post or page from which you want to retrieve the field value. If not provided or set to false, it defaults to the current post or page where the function is being called.

$format_value (bool) (Optional): – Determines whether ACF should apply formatting logic to the retrieved value. By default, this is set to true, which means ACF will format the value based on the field type (e.g., date formatting for date fields).

$escape_html (bool) (Optional, since version 6.2.6): – Returns an escaped HTML-safe version of the field value if set to true and if $format_value is also true. This is useful when outputting field values directly into HTML.




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