Match Expression in PHP

The match expression, introduced in PHP 8.0, is a powerful feature that simplifies conditional statements. It is concise and more readable alternative to the traditional switch statement. Let’s dive into how it works and see some examples.

What is a Match Expression?

It compares a given value against a set of values and executes the code corresponding to the first match. It returns a value, making it suitable for assignments.

$day = 'Monday';

$greeting = match ($day) {
    'Monday' => 'Start of the week!',
    'Friday' => 'Almost weekend!',
    'Saturday', 'Sunday' => 'Weekend!',
    default => 'Just another day',

echo $greeting; // Output: Start of the week!


The match expression is a powerful tool in PHP that provides a clean and efficient way to handle conditional logic. Its strict comparison and value-returning capability make it a preferable choice over the traditional switch statement in many cases. Start using match in your code to make it more readable and maintainable!

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