Implementing Dropdown Selection with React Hook Form in React Native

I was using React Hook Form in my new React Native project. Unfortunately I was not able to find any useful examples of React Hook Form’ dropdown implementation in React Native except this one. So I had to put some time figuring this out for myself.

My requirement was quite simple. I have had a small form to build including some dropdown selection lists. The very first thing I had to decide was to find a good and stable dropdown/selection package for react native. My search ended at these two packages:



Since I was building my React Native app on the top of Expo framework, the  @react-native-picker/picker was the default recommended package in Expo documentation. I decided to use it.

I installed it and then went to use it. However, I had to be disappointed since the interface UI was not good enough. The dropdown looked scattered on the page, horizontally,  like this:

It was taking too much of space around the selection element. I could not find a quick work around to control this behavior so I turned back to the first one i.e. react-native-picker-select.

To my surprise, the react-native-picker-select was built on the top of react-native-picker/picker so I was kind of Ok to use both to make my dropdown working eventually.

Here is the complete code

Include the packages:

import RNPickerSelect from 'react-native-picker-select';
import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form";

Initialise the React Hook Form inside main component function:

const { control, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm({
    defaultValues: {
        sport: '',

Create a onSubmit function:

const onSubmit = (data:object) => {

Render the dropdown within React Hook Form’s <Controller />

        required: true,
    render={({ field: { onChange, onBlur, value } }) => (
                (value) => {
                { label: 'Football', value: 'football' },
                { label: 'Baseball', value: 'baseball' },
                { label: 'Hockey', value: 'hockey' },
            onClose={(value) => {
                console.log("I am closed")
{ && <Text className="text-red-500 mt-0.5 pl-0.5">This is required.</Text>}

Calling onChange(value) within onValueChange  does the trick for ReactHookForm:

    (value) => {

Clicking Submit button would print the value in console.log

LOG  {"sport": "football"}


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