Recently I found that auto linking urls and emails of a string having image tags within was not possible using text helper in CakePHP. It would try to autoLink url of image src and thus it is broken. I am…
Category: CakePHP
Field type tinyint(1) would not save values other than 0 and 1 in CakePHP
Just a quick note. I had a “is_active” field in my users table which i had been using to store boolean 0 and 1 values. Later, i mean today, i decided to save a new value -1 to this field…
Croogo – A free open source CakePHP powered CMS for PHP
Croogo is a free web based CMS (Content Management System) for PHP built on the top of CakePHP MVC framework. It was first released on October 07, 2009 by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal. It’s latest version is Croogo-1.3.2 and it could…
New improved CakePHP cookbook documentation
Gone are the old days when CakePHP developers would complain about the in-sufficient documentation available in CakePHP. CakePHP community has not only improved existing documentations but going a step further they have added separate tabs for all three main versions…
CakePHP 1.3.4 released, 2.0 on the way!
The CakePHP core team announded the release of CakePHP 1.3.4 recently (on Sep 12, 2010). It was almost within month since the last CakePHP release i.e. 1.3.3. The team announced that there had been a few changes which could affect…
Use of custom displayField paramater in CakePHP
The $this->displayField is used to define custom display field while doing ‘list’ or scaffolding in CakePHP. It can be specified either in Model class or just before making a db call.
Using Inflector singularize and camelize for taking out model name in CakePHP
We can use CakePHP library’s Inflector::singularize() and Inflector::camelize() methods for taking out corresponding model name from a controller name (provided we follow CakePHP’s naming conventions well).
Security component black hole, form submit dies on a blank page with no error
The problem started when i used Auth component in my current CakePHP project. Everything seemed working fine until i created an html form, submitted it and tried to retrieve this form’s data in controller action. I tried to print $this->data…
Fix to jQuery plugin does not work on ajax loaded content
I had been loading table records through ajax pagination using jquery. Some of the urls/links (View Details, Edit and Delete) in loaded content had been using thickbox to handle respective requests. Although, if i did’t use the ajax to load…
Cakephp pagination and custom named arguments handling
Let’s have a look at the scenario first. I have a “contacts” controller, a “display” action in it(controller) and a view “display.ctp” to show results. As normal my “display” action lists all the contacts by calling $this->set(‘contacts’, $this->paginate(‘Contact’)) inside the…