How to Create Custom Log File in Laravel Example

In this article on Laravel custom logs I will show you how to create custom log file in Laravel. With help of simple example I will show you the method for configuring and implementing custom log file. Using this example you can create custom log file in Laravel 6, Laravel 7, Laravel 8, 9 and Laravel 10 version.

Logging in Laravel

In Laravel framework  the application logs are written to storage/logs/laravel.log file by default. You can tag the log entries with different names such as INFO, DEBUG and ERROR though. (Logs can also be stored in database but I won’t cover that in this article.)

Why to create Custom Log File?

Sometimes you may wish to create a different log file for specific task. For example, you are working with invoicing and you need a separate log file for invoicing information so that you can easily figure out issues or events related to invoicing.

How to Create Custom Log File in Laravel

Before creating a custom log file in Laravel I will show you the list of default channel drivers which exist in the Laravel by default.

customA driver that calls a specified factory to create a channel
dailyRotatingFileHandler based Monolog driver which rotates daily
errorlogAn ErrorLogHandler based Monolog driver
monologA Monolog factory driver that may use any supported Monolog handler
nullA driver that discards all log messages
papertrailSyslogUdpHandler based Monolog driver
singleA single file or path based logger channel (StreamHandler)
slackSlackWebhookHandler based Monolog driver
stackA wrapper to facilitate creating “multi-channel” channels
syslogSyslogHandler based Monolog driver

How to Create Custom Log in Laravel?

In order to create a custom log file all you need to do is to add a channel with a new key name as shown below. Open the config/logging.php and add the following code to it. (make necessary changes)

'channels' => [
    'invoicing' => [
        'driver' => 'single',
        'path' => storage_path('logs/invoicing.log'),

Now in the code you can use it like:

\Log::channel('invoicing')->info('Something happened in invoicing!');
dd('log testing done!');


In Laravel, the logs are written to laravel.log file by default. Howerver you can create your own custom log file by adding a new configuration entry to the config/logging.php file.

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