In this post, we will explore how to check if an array is empty in PHP using the empty() function and the count() function. I’ll provide you with the example code and then modify it in different ways to demonstrate…
How to get Array Length in PHP
In this post, we will provide a quick and easy method to determine the length of a PHP array.We will present a simple example of how to calculate the length of an array in PHP. How to get Array Length…
Get Duplicate Values from an Array in PHP
In this post, we will explore how to identify duplicate values in a PHP array. We’ll provide you with an example of how to retrieve duplicate values from an array in PHP. Get Duplicate Values from an Array in PHP…
Check If An Array Has Duplicate Values Example in PHP
In this simple tutorial I shall illustrate how to check whether a PHP array has duplicated values. In this simple example we will process an array to detect identical or duplicate values. If you want to detect duplicate values within…
How to install Django and Run your first project in Mac
In this quick tutorial I will show you an example of the process I follow to setup and run a Django project in a matter of few minutes. When writing this tutorial, the version of python in my mac book…
2 methods to check if a given Date is Today’s Date in Laravel
In this tutorial I will show you two days to check if a given date is today’s date in Laravel. These 2 methods are isToday method and isSameDay method of Carbon library class in Laravel. First Method: Using IsToday() In…
PHP example of Null coalescing operator for shorthand If-Else operator
In this example we will see the use of the shortest shorthand of if-else statement to check isset variable in PHP programming language. Using Null coalescing operator we can write shortest if-else statement to check isset value and return it…
Example of Eloquent Model Query with conditional Where condition in Laravel
In this example I will show you how to build an Eloquent query to filter results by certain field or fields of a table. In this example we will use simple Laravel Eloquent Model example to search a table and…
How to Reinstall Pods in a Expo React native bare project in MacOS
Cocoapod is a package dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift projects with XCode. In a expo bare development environment you may need to re-install Cocoapods or in short Pods occasionally. In this tutorial I will show you the proper way…
How to install LEMP stack on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Ubuntu is one the most popular Linux distributions. Ubuntu is a free and open-source software based on Debian. In this simple I will walk you through the whole process to install a LEMP stack (Linux, Ngnix, MySQL/Maridb & PHP) which…