In this example I am going to show and brief my implementation of validating CSV row content with custom CSV Content Validation rule created in FormRequest in my Laravel application. Scenario I need to create a simple custom CSV importer…
Using Unique Validation Rule in Form Request in Laravel
Sometimes you want to make a field unique in a database table so that duplicity should be avoided. The very common case is email address. Laravel provides useful tools to achieve this, including the Unique validation rule. However to make…
React Table Server Side Pagination with Sorting and Search Filters
After following [a post]( on I was able to setup a basic table with React Table Server Side Pagination. However since the post did not have the sorting and search features I had to extend it and hence this…
Pros of Next.js framework for which it is an ideal candidate framework for your next ReactJS project
Its been some time being worked on custom ReactJS apps so it was the good time to check out some framework built in and for ReactJS. The very first name which I had been hearing for some time was the…
How to replace special characters in filenames to fix 404 not found issue in website running on nginx
It is recommended to not include special character in filenames, such as apostrophe(‘), double quote(“), percent(%) etc. Special characters in filenames of the files uploaded to a web server should be avoided for various reasons. It may cause unexpected behaviour,…
How to create a user in MySQL/MariaDB and grant permissions on a specific database
To create a user in MySQL or MariaDB and granting it permissions to access a database is a basic task when deploying a new website on a LAMP stack server. To read and write data on a database is a very common…
Using FCM for Push Notifications in a React-Native Mobile App
What are Push Notifications? A push notification is a message that pops up on a mobile device. Mobile App publishers can send them at any time; users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive…
Send email with Amazon AWS SES in Laravel 8/9
Sending emails using Laravel is quite easy. All you need to do is to configure your MAILER service properly. In this simple tutorial I am going to show you two methods to configure your Laravel application to send emails with…
How to pass current state of Parent Component to Tab Navigation Screens
I am using “react-native-tab-view”: “^3.0.1”. I want to pass current state from parent component to child component while using react-native-tab-view to render tab screens. This is an example where I am have had to pass current state value from parent…
How to Create Custom Routes for protected Admin/Manager area in Laravel 8
In my last article I showed you How to Create Custom Route File in Laravel 8. In that article I created an admin custom routes which is accessible at In this articles I will show you how you can…