Sometimes, you may want your WordPress installation to not to ask you for upgrading a certain plugin you might have edited or extended in order to meet your requirements. Though this is not a good practice to modify a certain…
ANZ-egate payment method for WP-Commerce Plugin
ANZ-egate payment method for WP-E-commerce plugin. I hope it works for you. Bug-fixing or improvements are welcomed. How to install: Create a new file (plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-merchants/anz-egate.merchant.php) and place this code into this file. Once saved check the Payment Method section of…
An example of CakePHP complex find conditions
Setting complex ‘find’ conditions in CakePHP can be tricky. I picked an example of Cakephp complex find conditions from one of my CakePHP projects. I wanted to list all auctions which are “not closed” and whose’ end date/time is greater…
404 error while saving options of Unique Article Wizard WordPress Plugin
I would try to save UAW options at and it would end up in a “404 Not Found error”. I tried different things in order to fix it.. debugged through the action of the options form, changed form action, urlencoded the…
Installing PHPUnit in wamp in Windows7
Installing PEAR package manager Add php directory to your Windows’ Environment Variables PATH, if it is not already added. My wamp php path is “C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13”. Check Adding to Environment Variables Path if you are not sure how to add a…
Adding a location to Environment Variables Path in Windows7
You can add a location to system Environment Variables PATH by following simple steps give below. For example i wanted to add my PHP directory path i.e. C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13 to Environment Variables > Path value in Windows 7
Setting id of input wrapper div in cakephp and hiding by default
It might be a simple thing for most of CakePHP pro’s but at the same time it could be a tricky thing for CakePHP newbies. I just caught one newbie CakePHP developer of my team spending time on figuring this…
jEdit plugin download problem with select another mirror error
Facing jEdit plugin download problem with select another mirror error? The solution is very simple. Just click on the “Download Option” button at the bottom of Plugin Manager window and “Update” mirror list. Now select some different and nearest available…
Showing template file path in the front view of a page in Magento
One of the cool features of Mageto is showing the template file path with dotted outlines in the front view of a page. It makes real easy for a developer to find and enter a template file with the help…
Newsletter not saving on edit in “WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin” of WordPress
I had been using WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin ( when this issue occurred. I tried to edit and save a newsletter which i had created but the values didn’t save.<!–more–> On debugging i found that the Newsletter Edit form’s…