Using Shortcode Functions in WordPress

Shortcode functions in WordPress allow you to add dynamic content easily. They are wrapped in square brackets and processed by WordPress, enabling you to create reusable snippets.

What is a Shortcode

Shortcode functions in WordPress are the code that simplifies adding functionality. For example, [‘my_shortcode’]

displays the paragraph.


Creating a Shortcode Function

Define the Function

Create a function that returns the desired output.

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function my_custom_shortcode() {
return "<p>This is my custom shortcode output!</p>";
function my_custom_shortcode() { return "<p>This is my custom shortcode output!</p>"; }
function my_custom_shortcode() {
      return "<p>This is my custom shortcode output!</p>"; 

Register the Shortcode

Use add_shortcode to link the shortcode to your function.

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add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_custom_shortcode');
add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_custom_shortcode');
add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_custom_shortcode');

Use the Shortcode

Insert the shortcode in your content:

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Shortcode Attributes

To accept attributes, modify your function with shortcode_atts.

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function my_custom_shortcode($atts) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(
array('text' => 'Default text', 'color' => 'black'),
return "<p style='color: {$atts['color']};'>{$atts['text']}</p>";
function my_custom_shortcode($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array('text' => 'Default text', 'color' => 'black'), $atts ); return "<p style='color: {$atts['color']};'>{$atts['text']}</p>"; }
function my_custom_shortcode($atts) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts(
        array('text' => 'Default text', 'color' => 'black'),
    return "<p style='color: {$atts['color']};'>{$atts['text']}</p>";

Usage with Attributes

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[my_shortcode text="Hello, World!" color="blue"]
[my_shortcode text="Hello, World!" color="blue"]
[my_shortcode text="Hello, World!" color="blue"]


Current Date

Display the current date:

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function current_date_shortcode() {
return date('F j, Y');
add_shortcode('current_date', 'current_date_shortcode');
function current_date_shortcode() { return date('F j, Y'); } add_shortcode('current_date', 'current_date_shortcode');
function current_date_shortcode() {
    return date('F j, Y');
add_shortcode('current_date', 'current_date_shortcode');


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Read Also:-

Using Shortcode Functions in WordPress

How to Add Google Fonts to Your WordPress Site

Also Visit:-


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