Here’s a small tip on how to hide (not display) page titles of WP-ecommerce product pages while showing normal pages titles as usual. In fact i wanted to not display titles, i.e. 1. Products Page and 2. Product Details page.
Category: WordPress
Fixing WordPress asking FTP connection in localhost running on XAMPP in Ubuntu
Recently i had this issue. I would go to wordpress admin plugins page and try to delete a plugin. It would ask me for FTP connection details. I tried different combinations but it didn’t work. In fact i don’t know…
A WordPress plugin to delete duplicate users by ID, user_login or user_email etc.
Description: This plugin provides a way to delete duplicate users by ID, user_login or user_email. An user-base cleaning script! In a case, thousands of users are entered by tempring with the basic wp_user table structure.. where ID was converted to…
How to delete duplicate MySQL records with duplicate field value (as ID)
For some reason i had duplicate entries in my WP database. The ID field in wp_users table was tempered with and was changed to Non Auto-Increment to insert records on the will. I deleted all ID=null records manually and then…
Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute
“Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute” If this message appears on you wordpress website for more than you anticipated if might mean that your wordpress update failed due to some reason. You can get rid of…
Changing HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH and HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT in worpress 3.3 header
I see <img src=”<?php header_image(); ?>” width=”<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?>” height=”<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?>” alt=”” /> in my themename/header.php file. How do i changed HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH and/or HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT??
How to remove html { margin-top: 28px !important; } from wordpress header
To remove html { margin-top: 28px !important; } from wordpress header go to /wp-includes/admin-bar.php and edit around line 672 (in WordPress 3.3) Alternatly you can add a remove_action filter in you active theme/functions.php file like this, as this is a…
Get post thumbnail out side of the Loop in wordpress
Just got a way to get the post thumbnail outside of the Loop which (the thumbnail) was entered through the Post Image > Set the URL for an image/icon for this post: field on Edit Post page. Here it is.…
Template drop down list missing in edit page in wordpress
Last night i installed a new theme to this blog of mine and after setting basic things up when i went to edit my archives page at admin end the Template drop-down in Page Attribute box was missing. Strange. I…
Getting current page url and title for social network sharing in WordPress
Today i added a few social network sharing buttons i.e. facebook, twitter, delicious, myspace etc. to the right side column of this very blog. To make it work as desired I had to do some extra bit of effort to…