CakePHP Captcha Plugin

CakePHP Captcha plugin by me is one of the most used and trusted CakePHP captcha support since 2009. I have maintained CakePHP Captcha support throughout these years and am still committed to maintain it as long others and I found it useful for the users of CakePHP framework. The latest CakePHP Captcha plugin supports image captcha, simple math problems (add, subtract, product) and Google Recaptcha (new) and makes it easy for the site owners and developers to maintain and make website spam free and secured.

CakePHP Captcha Plugin supports latest stable version of CakePHP  i.e. CakePHP 3.6, while legacy version supports both CakePHP 1.x and 2.x versions.

Quick Links

CakePHP 3.x plugin support is here.

CakePHP 1.x, 2.x support bundled as a component + behavior + helper along with examples can be download here.

CakePHP Captcha plugin demo can be found here.


Install via Composer

composer require inimist/cakephp-captcha:dev-master


bin/cake plugin load Captcha -b -r

Install via Download

Download and copy all files to your app’s /plugins/captcha folder of your cakephp 3 application


In the command line, cd command to your app’s plugins folder and run git clone

$ cd myapp/plugins
$ git clone captcha


Please check plugin’s Github page for information on implementation of CakePHP Captcha Plugin here.

Email or comment for any queries or support request.

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