Here is a sample javascript code to show Gmail like “Loading.. Please wait..” message at the top of a HTML page while making Ajax requests. Irrespective of the position of Ajax links within web page, the “Loading” message will show at the very top of the page.
I have attached Javascript script file with this post. Place the attached javascript code file (topmsg.js) in a directory and call this file inside the <head> section of your web page. Inside your ajax call add showloadingmsg() function just before the ajax call is initiated. This function will show the loading message. After the ajax call has finished executing, call hideloadingmsg() to hide the loading message.
For example, if you have same ajax link at the upper part and lower part of the page the loading message will like as shown under in two different images. (For a working demo go here :
Clicking a ajax link at the upper part of web page:
Clicking a ajax link at the lower part of web page:
Finally the javascript code (contained in Javascript script file file)
//Set Required Variables var message='<b>Loading..</b>' var backgroundcolor="yellow" var msgwidth = "80px" var msgheight = "26px" var bgimage = "/img/loading_bg.gif"; /////////////// DO NOT edit below this line var ie=document.all var ieNOTopera=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers) setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) } if (ie||document.getElementById) document.write('<div id="topmsg" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">'+message+'</div>') var topmsg_obj=ie? document.all.topmsg : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("topmsg") : document.topmsg function positionit() { var dsocleft=ie? document.body.scrollLeft : pageXOffset var dsoctop=ie? document.body.scrollTop : pageYOffset var window_width=ieNOTopera? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth-20 var window_height=ieNOTopera? document.body.clientHeight : window.innerHeight if (ie||document.getElementById){ var _left = parseInt(dsocleft)+window_width/2-topmsg_obj.offsetWidth/2 = _left + "px" var _top = parseInt(dsoctop)-topmsg_obj.offsetHeight+30 _top+"px" } else if (document.layers){ topmsg_obj.left=dsocleft+window_width/2-topmsg_obj.document.width/2 } } function setmessage() { if (document.layers){ topmsg_obj=new Layer(window.innerWidth) topmsg_obj.bgColor=backgroundcolor regenerate2() topmsg_obj.document.write(message) topmsg_obj.document.close() positionit() topmsg_obj.visibility="show" } else{ positionit() //"visible" } setInterval("positionit()",100) if(bgimage!="")"transparent url('" + bgimage + "') no-repeat"; } function toggle_msg() { if('hidden') {"visible" } else"hidden" } function showloadingmsg() {"visible" } function hideloadingmsg() {"hidden" } if (document.layers||ie||document.getElementById) window.onload=setmessage