The problem started when i used Auth component in my current CakePHP project. Everything seemed working fine until i created an html form, submitted it and tried to retrieve this form’s data in controller action. I tried to print $this->data…
Adding (Explorer – file browser) plugin to Notepad++
Once i decided to give Notepad++ a serious try as my default code editor the first major thing i noticed was the non availability of explorer like file browsing panel (generally to the left side). After a few bits of…
Apache/WAMP slow on Windows 7
After i had installed WAMP on Windows 7 the loading of web pages on my localhost server slowed down considerably. After negotiating with it for a few days i decided to find the culprit out and ultimately i reached at…
Fix to jQuery plugin does not work on ajax loaded content
I had been loading table records through ajax pagination using jquery. Some of the urls/links (View Details, Edit and Delete) in loaded content had been using thickbox to handle respective requests. Although, if i did’t use the ajax to load…
Cakephp pagination and custom named arguments handling
Let’s have a look at the scenario first. I have a “contacts” controller, a “display” action in it(controller) and a view “display.ctp” to show results. As normal my “display” action lists all the contacts by calling $this->set(‘contacts’, $this->paginate(‘Contact’)) inside the…
Calculating difference between two mysql dates in seconds
Here is a quick way to calculate the difference between two mysql dates in number of seconds. In my case, i required to fetch all entries for which the difference between current time stamp and date in a table field…
Creating Ajax form in Cakephp using jQuery
Because of its being more flexible, extensible and precise nature the jQuery certainly has emerged as a more popular Javascript library as compared to prototype library. If you plan your Cakephp application depend heavily on Javascript, its right time to…
A note on DOM elements’ changed scope when using thickbox with jQuery
A similar situation may arise (atleast for me it did) when you try to invoke jQuery’s “thickbox” in conjunction with a custom onclick firing. I would explain it with the help of an example: I have a div element (with…
Javascript common mistake of comparing with NaN and not with isNaN
Recently, i fell into the trap of NaN and isNaN and it turned me pulling my hair for quite a few good minutes. Thats why i decided to make a note of it here for a recitation and as a…
Setting Style/CSS of select options using jQuery
This is how i set style (color here) of all of the options of a select list using jQuery. In my case i had select options like this: <select id=”select_list_id”> <option value=”#595959″>Grey</option> <option value=”#000000″>Black</option> <option value=”#036″>Blue</option> <option value=”#363″>Green</option> <option value=”#632423″>Red</option>…