PHP 8.1 introduced Fibers, a new feature designed to bring asynchronous programming capabilities to PHP. Fibers provide a way to manage concurrency and non-blocking operations in a more intuitive manner, similar to how coroutines or green threads work in other…
HTML Code for Working With SASS CSS
(SASS CSS) Short for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, SASS is a popular CSS pre-processor. SASS code is processed by the program and compiled into CSS code, which can be used to style HTML elements. SASS controls how it appears on…
Add a sorting dropdown to WooCommerce shop page using Elementor custom loop grid.
If you’re using Elementor to create custom loop grids or WooCommerce shop templates, you might want to enhance your pages with a dynamic sorting dropdown. This feature allows users to sort content based on their preferences, such as by popularity,…
Introduction to Laravel Eloquent ORM
Laravel Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a key feature of the Laravel framework, providing an elegant way to interact with your database. With Eloquent, each table in your database corresponds to a model, allowing you to work with data using…
Create an alternate loop template
In order to create an alternate loop template we need to take certain steps as explained as under. Create a template for a loop item. Learn how to create a new loop item using the Theme Builder. Open a page in…
Understanding WordPress Conditional Functions
WordPress provides a variety of conditional functions that allow developers to create dynamic content based on specific conditions. These functions are essential for customizing themes and plugins. In this article, we’ll explore some of the main conditional functions in WordPress…
What is MYSQL ? – Structured Query Language (SQL)
MYSQL (Structured Query Language) is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is widely used for managing and organizing data in databases. It uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for accessing, adding, and managing the data held in a database.…
Understanding the get_the_excerpt() Function in WordPress
WordPress provides various functions to help developers manage and display content effectively. One such function is get_the_excerpt(), which is used to retrieve the excerpt of a post. While it may seem similar to the_excerpt(), get_the_excerpt() offers more flexibility for developers,…
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) in Python
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) in Python is a programming paradigm that uses objects and classes to structure code in a way that models real-world entities. OOPs Concepts in Python. Class in Python Objects in Python Polymorphism in Python Encapsulation in Python…
Eloquent ORM: Relationships in Laravel
Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) in Laravel provides a simple and elegant way to interact with your database using models. One of its most powerful features is the ability to define relationships between different models, making it easier to manage and…