A tip on saving doc or docx files in LibreOffice

What i did i created a new .doc file through “Create New Document” that generally appears listed on pop up menu when one right clicks inside a folder area in Ubuntu. The file was created ok. Then i opened it in LibreOffice Writter, created a few lines and “bulletted” paragraphs with formattings, saved and closed the file. Next time when i opened it, all formatting was gone! It was little bit disappointing as i had created a good amount of formatting in it which was lost. Anyways i found that if i create a file in LibreOffice Writter in Ubuntu this way it is still treated as a simple text file and not a .doc file. What all i had to do was to do a “Save As” from “File” menu in LibreOffice and select “Microsoft Word 97/2000/xp/2003(.doc)” for “FileType” option in “Save As” screen. Just a tip for someone new in Ubuntu like me.

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