For 2.0 – The bootstrap-datetimepicker is one of the very best Date/Time Picker for Twitter Bootstrap. It can be downloaded from this link.
Category: HTML and CSS
MIME Types – Complete List
MIME Types – Complete List Posting full list of MIME Type which every developer like me needs very frequently. Posting for reference here.
How to Use Custom Fonts On Your Website With the help of CSS
How To Use Custom Fonts On Your Website With CSS? Let’s do an example together. Download bttf.ttf (Back to future font) from here.
Floating Social Icons, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg & Google Plus
Posting the html, css & javascript code for floating social icons shown in the attached image below. The code was created using this link but it didn’t work for Facebook. Pasting here for reference and later use. Someone with html,…
Easy and smart way to add “required” css class to form field labels
Undoubtedly, this is the easiest way to add a red asterisk (*) sign to a required field label in a form. Here’s HTML part of the form. <div class=”required”><label for=”FirstName”>First Name</label> <input name=”first_name” maxlength=”50″ type=”text” id=”FirstName”></div> <div class=”required”><label for=”LastName”>Last Name</label> <input…
Fix to jQuery ui calendar not appearing from or hiding behind thickbox
If you are facing an issue of jQuery ui calendar not appearing while clicked from a jQuery thickbox or if some part of the calendar hiding behind the thickbox window you need to apply a quick fix to your calendar.
Making line-through color to appear different than the text (using CSS)
I am posting a simple trick to make the color of line-through line to appear different than the stricken text. I had to recall this trick actually as we rarely use it and i guess i myself never used it…
How to add HTML tag keyboard and toolbar shortcuts to Notepad++
(skip to implementation) Like most computer users i do prefer to use keyboard shortcuts and while working with web pages in particular, keyboard shortcuts and visual shortcuts in editor toolbars speed up development work considerably. There are HTML editors like…
Form DOM element not recognized (created) in ajax form in IE when placed with end tag missing
Skipping a form end tag </form> costed me almost a day (i had to go to bed abandoning the fixing for some time though;)). I had been using ajaxForm with jQuery to submit ajax form which was placed on a…
Center aligning a table within DIV element
Define the CSS style in css file or header of the HTML page: