Following simple steps one can import Gmail contacts to Microsoft Outlook. Here’s the steps. 1. After logging into Gmail account go to (dashboard) Gmail > Contacts as shown in the image below.
Loading all WordPress posts having or not having a custom meta field
In a scenario one would like to create a custom meta key value pair for a post and save some value into it. Assume of an existing blog with hundred of posts which you want to add a custom field.…
Controlling rel canonical tag in WordPress
I used a forum plugin in wordpress. This plugin provides a shortcode which is placed on a page. Once place this single page is used to shows forum home page, forum category pages and topics pages as well. For the…
What is involved in SEO for a website?
Steps involved in SEO This is a widely asked question. What are the steps involved in SEO for a website. What a website owner has to do or should get done while doing SEO or Search Engine Optimization of his/her…
How to increase the number of Courier-IMAP connections on Centos, Linux
This article applies to you if you are seeing this message when accessing your email: ERROR: Unable to connect to your IMAP server. You may have exceeded the maximum number of connections to this server.
PHP – Fix apostrophe(‘) converting to entity ' in csv export
1) If you read a .csv file for download: use \xEF\xBB\xBF after headers and just before you echo file data. For example: echo “\xEF\xBB\xBF”; // UTF-8 BOM readfile($file); 2) If you echo per line use htmlspecialchars_decode to covert single and…
How to add an option to WordPress general settings
How to add an option to wordpress general settings page i.e. /wp-admin/options-general.php? The dirty way. Put the following snippet in functions.php file:
Setting content headers to send WordPress HTML email
Just paste the following code snippet to your functions.php file of your current theme. It will force all emails to be sent in HTML format. [php]function set_html_content_type() { return ‘text/html’; } add_filter( ‘wp_mail_content_type’, ‘set_html_content_type’ );[/php] If you want to set…
How to change WordPress default FROM name & email address
Paste the following code into functions.php file of your in-use theme. Don’t forget to put the desired email address in new_mail_from function(line 5) and desired name in new_mail_from_name function (line 8). If you do not know how to do it…
How to get file extension using PHP
A simple yet powerful approach to get file extension using PHP. We usually need to extract file extension from file name while uploading file so that we could generate new name and rename file to our convenience. We could create…