I have felt this need quite a few times in the past as well. I have an array:
Disable CakePHP debug output when using Ajax
While developing a CakePHP application and debug value set to greater than 0(zero) (development mode) we may want to show our Ajax results clean i.e. without debug information (in form of SQL log etc.) attached to it.
Random string generation with Javascript
Here is a small but useful function to generate a string with a random number of characters with the help of javascript.
Creating a succesful website
After reading “Web Design Tip Sheet – Choosing Best Website Development Company” i had a few comments in my mind but because of “comments closed” for the story i had to post it here to make my head feel lighter.
Creating Show Desktop icon on quick launch bar in windows xp
Today i saw my show desktop icon was gone off my quick launch bar automatically. I looked around and came up with a simple solutions. To re-create the Show desktop icon yourself, follow these steps:
Editing Read more text and template files HTML in Joomla 1.5
In my latest Joomla 1.5 website i wanted to change “Read more…” text to “Click to continue…”. In fact I did not like the wide new row for each “Read more…” text with intro text and just wanted to put…
MYSQL custom sorting – order by field value
In this simple example I will show you a way to perform a custom sorting in MySQL. In this guide of custom sorting I am going to sort mysql rows based on the alphabetical order of the field values. Most…
What do you hate about CakePHP?
After looking at an interesting Google group topic Poll: what do you hate about CakePHP? i have tried to sum up the facts which people reasoned for hating/disliking CakePHP. Please be noted that all the facts listed here are based…
SVN checkout wordpress plugin files
Today i was looking for an effective word press plugin which should help me to manage and modify the look and feel of tags ‘cloud’ box in my this very page. After a short research i found one ultimate-tag-warrior and…
Useful string manipulation helpers in CakePHP
CakePHP comes with a bunch of useful helpers and components which provide handy tools for processing and manipulating data. These helpers are not only the valuable assets for the a framework user, but can be of great help to someone…