This is the very first CSS rounded corner technique i learned and used. If someone interested can use it without any doubt. Although, it may look like having too many ‘div’ layers in it, it is a good one, not…
getid3 component for cakephp
What is getID3? getID3() is an open-source, cross-platform software library for the PHP language written by James Heinrich and Allan Hansen. getID3() can extract information from multimedia file formats: audio, video and images in various formats. Information extracted includes playtime,…
Passed arguments routing and custom ajax pagination url in cakephp
While working in my recent “charity project” i had to list all charities found in a particular region or state. I created a regions_controller and an index function in it to fetch and set records and index.ctp as a view…
An alternate to paginator counter showing page in cakephp
An ordinary yet useful piece of hack to the way the cakephp pagination’s pages “showing page” parameter is displayed. As default, we are used to use $paginator->counter() method which gives us a counter string for the paged result set like…
Delete SVN files in Linux or Windows
Sometimes you checkout a recent API source code via some SVN client to your local system and thereafter want to remove SVN files from the directory structure. Here are the different ways to remove SVN files from your linux or…
Full-text search in MySQL
Normally, most of us use “SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 LIKE ‘%$keyword%’” OR field2 LIKE ‘%$keyword%‘ ..etc” to search our table and get results. This is slow and inefficient approach, as it does return all (too many) rows in…
Cakephp important facts you must know – Part 2
CakePHP comes with a bunch of useful helpers and components which provide user handy tools to process and manipulate data. These helpers are not only the valuable assets for the framework user, but can be of great help to someone…
Spliting CSV (comma seperated) entry grouped by double quotes
By using fgetcsv function we can have well formatted output for csv data without any pain. If you don’t want to use fgetcsv function for some reason and your CSV comma separated entries may contain comma inside except the delimiters,…
To find mysql recodrs between specific date range based on start date and end date fields
While working on a report generation system i had to perform a query to check whether records exist in ‘reports’ table between a date range received from two form fields “start_date” and “end_date”. To make it more specific i will…
How to remove meta tag “generator” in Joomla 1.5
On a page that is generated by Joomla, by default you will always see a meta tag like following <meta name=”generator” content=”Joomla! 1.5 – Open Source Content Management” />