Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before accessing their accounts. Typically, this involves something the user knows (like a password) and something the user has (like a one-time code sent to their phone or email).

2fa concept illustrated by a picture on background

How Two-Factor Authentication Works

2FA typically involves two of the following authentication factors:

  1. Something You Know: A password, PIN, or answer to a security question.
  2. Something You Have: A smartphone, hardware token, or security key.
  3. Something You Are: Biometric verification like a fingerprint, facial recognition, or voice recognition.

When logging in, users must provide their password (something they know) and verify their identity using an additional method (something they have or are).

Setting Up Laravel Fortify:

Laravel Fortify is a frontend-agnostic authentication backend implementation for Laravel. It provides a comprehensive set of authentication features, including 2FA1.

  1. Install Laravel Fortify:

    First, install Laravel Fortify using Composer:

Use the Artisan CLI to create the command.

composer requires Laravel/fortify


  1. Publish Fortify Assets:

    Publish the necessary assets:

php  artisan vendor: publish –provider=” Laravel\Fortify\FortifyServiceProvider”


  1. Configure Fortify:

    Update your config/fortify.php file to enable 2FA:


'features' => [

    \Laravel\Fortify\Features::registration => true,

    \Laravel\Fortify\Features::resetPasswords => true,

    \Laravel\Fortify\Features::twoFactor => true,




  1. Set Up Authentication Routes:

    Fortify registers the necessary routes and controllers for authentication1. You can view the routes using:

php  artisan route: list

  1. Set Up Authentication Routes:

    To enable 2FA, you’ll need to set up a method for generating and verifying one-time passwords (OTP). You can use packages like laravel-2fa or Google/totp for this purpose.


  1. Customize Views:

    Customize the authentication views to include 2FA steps. You can create your views or use the default ones provided by Fortify.


Note: Implementing two-factor authentication in Laravel using Fortify is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the security of your application. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your users’ accounts are better protected against unauthorized access.


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