ANZ-egate payment method for WP-Commerce Plugin

ANZ-egate payment method for WP-E-commerce plugin. I hope it works for you. Bug-fixing or improvements are welcomed.

How to install: Create a new file (plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-merchants/anz-egate.merchant.php) and place this code into this file. Once saved check the Payment Method section of the WP-ECommerce and it should show options for the ANZ-Egate payment method. It should work similar to other payment methods. Create your own logo for ANZegate or download this one anz-egate payment method for wp-commerce plugin and place in plugin’s images folder and update the following image url option:
[php]$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘image’] = WPSC_URL . ‘/images/anz-egate_checkout.jpg’;[/php]

ANZ-eGate payment gateway payment method for WP-e-Commerce plugin of wordpress
Copyright (C) 2012 Arvind K.(,

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>

$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘name’] = ‘ANZ eGate 1.0’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘image’] = WPSC_URL . ‘/images/anz-egate_checkout.jpg’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘api_version’] = 1.0;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘class_name’] = ‘wpsc_merchant_anzegate’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘function’] = ‘gateway_anzegate’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘form’] = "form_anzegate";
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘submit_function’] = "submit_anzegate";
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘is_exclusive’] = true;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘payment_type’] = "anzegate";
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘internalname’] = ‘wpsc_merchant_anzegate’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘display_name’] = ‘ANZ-eGate’;

* WP eCommerce ANZ-eGate Merchant Class
* This is the ANZ-eGate standard merchant class, it extends the base merchant class
* @package wp-e-commerce
* @since 3.7.6
* @subpackage wpsc-merchants
class wpsc_merchant_anzegate extends wpsc_merchant {
var $name = ‘ANZ eGate 1.0’;

function form_anzegate() {

global $wpdb, $wpsc_gateways;

$serverType1 = ”;
$serverType2 = ”;

if (get_option(‘anzegate_server_type’) == ‘test’)
elseif(get_option(‘anzegate_server_type’) == ‘live’)
$serverType2 ="checked=’checked’";

$anzegate_Version = get_option(‘anzegate_Version’);

//if(is_null($anzegate_Version) || $anzegate_Version="")
// $anzegate_Version = ‘1’;

$output = "
<td>" . __(‘VPC Version’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input type=’text’ size=’40’ value=’".$anzegate_Version."’ name=’anzegate_Version’ />
<br />
<small>".__(‘This is Merchant VPC Version which is 1 by default’, ‘wpsc’ )."</small>
<td>" . __(‘Merchant ID’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input type=’text’ size=’40’ value=’".get_option(‘anzegate_MerchantID’)."’ name=’anzegate_MerchantID’ />
<td>" . __(‘Access Code’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input type=’text’ size=’40’ value=’".get_option(‘anzegate_AccessCode’)."’ name=’anzegate_AccessCode’ />
<br />
<small>".__(‘This is Merchant Access Code’, ‘wpsc’ )."</small>
<td>" . __(‘Ref. Code’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input type=’text’ size=’40’ value=’".get_option(‘anzegate_MerchTxnRef’)."’ name=’anzegate_MerchTxnRef’ />
<br />
<small>".__(‘This is Merchant Reference Code to identify transactions’, ‘wpsc’ )."</small>
<td>" . __(‘Server Type’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input $serverType1 type=’radio’ name=’anzegate_server_type’ value=’test’ /> " . __(‘Test’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
<input $serverType2 type=’radio’ name=’anzegate_server_type’ value=’live’ /> " . __(‘Live’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "
return $output;

function submit_anzegate() {

if($_POST[‘anzegate_Version’] != null) {
update_option(‘anzegate_Version’, $_POST[‘anzegate_Version’]);

if($_POST[‘anzegate_MerchantID’] != null) {
update_option(‘anzegate_MerchantID’, $_POST[‘anzegate_MerchantID’]);

if($_POST[‘anzegate_AccessCode’] != null) {
update_option(‘anzegate_AccessCode’, $_POST[‘anzegate_AccessCode’]);

if($_POST[‘anzegate_MerchTxnRef’] != null) {
update_option(‘anzegate_MerchTxnRef’, $_POST[‘anzegate_MerchTxnRef’]);

if($_POST[‘anzegate_server_type’] != null) {
update_option(‘anzegate_server_type’, $_POST[‘anzegate_server_type’]);

return true;


function gateway_anzegate($fromcheckout=false) {




ini_set(‘error_reporting’, E_ALL);
ini_set(‘display_errors’, 2);

global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart, $wpsc_checkout,$current_user, $purchlogs;

$wpsc_checkout = new wpsc_checkout();
$sessionid = (mt_rand(100,999).time());
$_SESSION[‘wpsc_sessionid’] = $sessionid;

if($_SESSION[‘wpsc_delivery_region’] == null && $_SESSION[‘wpsc_selected_region’] == null){
$_SESSION[‘wpsc_delivery_region’] = get_option(‘base_region’);
$_SESSION[‘wpsc_selected_region’] = get_option(‘base_region’);

$subtotal = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal();
$base_shipping = $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping();
$tax = $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax();
$total = $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_price();

if($total > 0 ){
$update = $wpdb->update(
‘totalprice’ => $total,
‘statusno’ => 0,
‘user_ID’ => $user_ID,
‘date’ => time(),
‘gateway’ => ‘anzegate’,
‘billing_country’ => $wpsc_cart->delivery_country,
‘shipping_country’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_country,
‘base_shipping’ => $base_shipping,
‘shipping_method’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method,
‘shipping_option’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option,
‘plugin_version’ => WPSC_VERSION,
‘discount_value’ => $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount,
‘discount_data’ => $wpsc_cart->coupons_name
‘sessionid’ => $_SESSION[‘wpsc_sessionid’]
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE sessionid = %s", $_SESSION[‘wpsc_sessionid’] );
$purchase_log_id = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
if( !empty($purchase_log_id) ) {
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE purchaseid = %d", $purchase_log_id );
if( ! $update ){
$insert = $wpdb->insert(
‘totalprice’ => $total,
‘statusno’ => 0,
‘sessionid’ => $_SESSION[‘wpsc_sessionid’],
‘user_ID’ => @$user_ID,
‘date’ => time(),
‘gateway’ => ‘anzegate’,
‘billing_country’ => $wpsc_cart->delivery_country,
‘shipping_country’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_country,
‘base_shipping’ => $base_shipping,
‘shipping_method’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method,
‘shipping_option’ => $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option,
‘plugin_version’ => WPSC_VERSION,
‘discount_value’ => $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount,
‘discount_data’ => $wpsc_cart->coupons_name
$purchase_log_id = $wpdb->insert_id;


$wpsc_cart->save_to_db( $purchase_log_id );

if( get_option( ‘permalink_structure’ ) != ” ) {
$separator = "?";
} else {
$separator = "&";

anzegate_Usecase("&", $_SESSION[‘wpsc_sessionid’], $fromcheckout);

function anzegate_Usecase($separator, $sessionid, $fromcheckout) {

if(empty($_POST[‘card_number’]) || empty($_POST[‘card_code’]))

global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart ;


$purchase_log_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE `sessionid` = %s LIMIT 1", $sessionid );
$purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results( $purchase_log_sql, ARRAY_A ) ;

$cart_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE `purchaseid` = %d", $purchase_log[0][‘id’] );
$wp_cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql,ARRAY_A) ;

$vpc_OrderInfo = "#".$purchase_log[0][‘id’] . "-";

/*foreach($wp_cart as $i => $Item) {
$vpc_OrderInfo .= "#".$Item[‘prodid’]. "x" . $Item[‘quantity’] . ",";

$vpc_OrderInfo .= $_SESSION[‘wpsc_checkout_saved_values’][9]; //user email address
$data = array();

if(isset($_POST[‘card_number’])) {
$data[‘vpc_CardNum’] = $_POST[‘card_number’];
if(isset($_POST[‘card_code’])) {
$data[‘vpc_CardSecurityCode’] = $_POST[‘card_code’];

if (get_option(‘anzegate_server_type’) == ‘test’) {
$data[‘vpc_Amount’] = 100; //The testing requires 00 at the end of price. so it is $1.00 right now
} else {
$data[‘vpc_Amount’] = (int)($purchase_log[0][‘totalprice’] * 100);
$data[‘vpc_Version’] = get_option(‘anzegate_Version’);
$data[‘vpc_Merchant’] = get_option(‘anzegate_MerchantID’);
$data[‘vpc_Command’] = ‘pay’;
$data[‘vpc_AccessCode’] = get_option(‘anzegate_AccessCode’);
$data[‘vpc_OrderInfo’] = $vpc_OrderInfo;
$data[‘vpc_MerchTxnRef’] = "#".$purchase_log[0][‘id’]."-".$_SESSION[‘wpsc_checkout_saved_values’][9];// . "-" . wp_generate_password(15, false);
if(isset($_POST[‘expiry’])) {
$data[‘vpc_CardExp’] = substr($_POST[‘expiry’][‘year’], 2, 2).$_POST[‘expiry’][‘month’];

$transact_url = get_option(‘transact_url’);
$returnURL = $transact_url.$separator."sessionid=".$sessionid."&gateway=anzegate";
// Ordered Products
/*foreach($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $i => $Item) {
$data[‘PROD_NAME’.$i] = $Item->product_name;
$data[‘PROD_AMT’.$i] = number_format($Item->unit_price,2);
$data[‘PROD_NUMBER’.$i] = $i;
$data[‘PROD_QTY’.$i] = $Item->quantity;
$data[‘PROD_TAXAMT’.$i] = number_format($Item->tax,2);

$transaction = "";
$ampersand = "";
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
// create the POST data input leaving out any fields that have no value
if (strlen($value) > 0) {
$transaction .= $ampersand . urlencode($key) . ‘=’ . urlencode($value);
$ampersand = "&";
//now we add all the information in the array into a long string
//Now we have the information we want to send to the gateway in a nicely formatted string we can setup the cURL
// initialise Client URL object
$ch = curl_init();


// set the URL of the VPC
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $transaction);
//curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// (optional) set the proxy IP address and port
//curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, "");

// (optional) certificate validation
// trusted certificate file
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "c:/temp/ca-bundle.crt");

//turn on/off cert validation
// 0 = don’t verify peer, 1 = do verify
//curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

// 0 = don’t verify hostname, 1 = check for existence of hostame, 2 = verify
//curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

// connect

curl_exec ($ch);

// get response
$response = ob_get_contents();

// turn output buffering off.

$r = array();
$pairs = explode("&",$response);
foreach($pairs as $pair) {
list($key,$value) = explode("=",$pair);
$r[$key] = urldecode($value);
if($r[‘vpc_TxnResponseCode’]=="00" && $r[‘vpc_TxnResponseCode’] == "0"){
"` SET `processed`= ‘2’ WHERE `sessionid`=".$sessionid;
$transact_url = get_option(‘transact_url’);

header("Location: ".$transact_url."?sessionid=".$sessionid);
} else {
//redirect back to checkout page with errors
"` SET `processed`= ‘5’ WHERE `sessionid`=".$sessionid;
$transact_url = get_option(‘checkout_url’);
$transact_url = "/store/checkout/";
$_SESSION[‘WpscGatewayErrorMessage’] = __(‘Sorry your transaction did not go through successfully, please try again.<br />Error: ‘ . $r[‘vpc_Message’]);
header("Location: ".$transact_url);

$years = $months = ”;

if ( in_array( ‘wpsc_merchant_anzegate’, (array)get_option( ‘custom_gateway_options’ ) ) ) {

$curryear = date( ‘Y’ );

//generate year options
for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) {
$years .= "<option value=’" . $curryear . "’>" . $curryear . "</option>\r\n";

$gateway_checkout_form_fields[$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘internalname’]] = "
<td colspan=’2′>
<p><strong>We do not capture, store or handle card information.</strong><br />
SnoreMeds™ do not capture, store or handle card information directly. Snoremeds™ make use of the ANZ bank and their Anzegate secure gateway who handle the payment transactions on our behalf.</p>
<td class=’wpsc_CC_details’>" . __( ‘Credit Card Number *’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</td>
<input type=’text’ value=” name=’card_number’ />
<td class=’wpsc_CC_details’>" . __( ‘Credit Card Expiry *’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</td>
<select class=’wpsc_ccBox’ name=’expiry[month]’>
" . $months . "
<option value=’01’>01</option>
<option value=’02’>02</option>
<option value=’03’>03</option>
<option value=’04’>04</option>
<option value=’05’>05</option>
<option value=’06’>06</option>
<option value=’07’>07</option>
<option value=’08’>08</option>
<option value=’09’>09</option>
<option value=’10’>10</option>
<option value=’11’>11</option>
<option value=’12’>12</option>
<select class=’wpsc_ccBox’ name=’expiry[year]’>
" . $years . "
<td class=’wpsc_CC_details’>" . __( ‘CVV *’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</td>
<td><input type=’text’ size=’4′ value=” maxlength=’4′ name=’card_code’ />
<td class=’wpsc_CC_details’>" . __( ‘Card Type *’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</td>
<select class=’wpsc_ccBox’ name=’cctype’>
<option value=’Visa’>" . __( ‘Visa’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</option>
<option value=’Mastercard’>" . __( ‘MasterCard’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</option>
<option value=’Discover’>" . __( ‘Discover’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</option>
<option value=’Amex’>" . __( ‘Amex’, ‘wpsc’ ) . "</option>


One thought on “ANZ-egate payment method for WP-Commerce Plugin

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing code.
    But only one file code could not work. I tried, But nothing to show in banckend plugins.

    I could not found plugin activation code, How could I activate this plugin and if I add new code for plugin activation, where is “wpsc_merchant_anzegate” class file which is extended by “wpsc_merchant” .

    You need to share more files or full plugin source.

    Hemant Vaniya

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