To create a user in MySQL or MariaDB and granting it permissions to access a database is a basic task when deploying a new website on a LAMP stack server. To read and write data on a database is a very common…
Author: Arvind Kumar
Using FCM for Push Notifications in a React-Native Mobile App
What are Push Notifications? A push notification is a message that pops up on a mobile device. Mobile App publishers can send them at any time; users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive…
Send email with Amazon AWS SES in Laravel 8/9
Sending emails using Laravel is quite easy. All you need to do is to configure your MAILER service properly. In this simple tutorial I am going to show you two methods to configure your Laravel application to send emails with…
How to pass current state of Parent Component to Tab Navigation Screens
I am using “react-native-tab-view”: “^3.0.1”. I want to pass current state from parent component to child component while using react-native-tab-view to render tab screens. This is an example where I am have had to pass current state value from parent…
How to Create Custom Routes for protected Admin/Manager area in Laravel 8
In my last article I showed you How to Create Custom Route File in Laravel 8. In that article I created an admin custom routes which is accessible at In this articles I will show you how you can…
How to Create Custom Route File in Laravel 8/9/10
Routes are the entry points to a Laravel application. There are two route files available in Laravel 8 by default. These are web.php and api.php. If required one can create custom route file in Laravel easily. In this article I…
How to Change Default iOS Simulator Device to run a React Native app
When testing a react native mobile application one would want to view and debug application in different screen sizes and devices. It is essential to test your application for rendering, look and feel, performance and responsiveness. For this developers use…
How to Remove .DS_Store files from a Git repository?
DS_Store files are automatically created by Mac OS X Finder in browsed directories. These files contain information about system configuration. If you upload them along with other files, the files can be misused to obtain information about your computer. For…
How to run migrations by schema name in Laravel
Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to define and share the application’s database schema definition. Typically, migrations will use Schema facade to create and modify database tables and columns – Laravel Documentation In general, one…
How to Install Let’s Encrypt (Certbot) on Ubuntu 20.04
Certbot is a command line tool for managing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on Linux operating system. It may allow you to request install free SSL certificate on your website domain. It also performs the authorization and configure your web server…