Keyword Rank Checking in Google, Yahoo and Bing is here

Hi All, Just pushed a keyword rank checker script to live. I had created this script for one of my clients and it will be here for public use until the client finalizes everything with this project and pushes it to live for himself.

You can check for the rank by entering a keyword and domain name combination. It will show results in a cool way. The script was supposed to check five keywords simultaneouly but i have limited to just one here.

Here’s the url,

You will have to  register by entering a desired username and email address to verify, only. I hope you enjoy this.

Someone looking for a similar project or script  to be get created must feel free contacting me.


2 thoughts on “Keyword Rank Checking in Google, Yahoo and Bing is here

  1. Hi…. My name is Sehrish. and i m working on this script can you help me in doing the script for finding the keyword rank in yahoo and bing.
    waiting for your response

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