Flexbox is a new and revolutionary way to manage blocks. Conventionally, blocks are managed via defining display: block for vertical blocks and display: inline or display: inline-block for horizontally placing blocks. By block, we mean by element here. Flexbox provides…
How to Find Out Top Directories and Files (Disk Space) in Linux
As a Linux administrator, you must check time to time which files and folders are eating more disk space. It is very necessary to find the unnecessary junks and free up them from your hard disk to avoid overrunning the…
10 Useful du (Disk Usage) Commands to Find Disk Usage of Files and Directories
The Linux du (abbreviation of “Disk Usage”) is a standard Unix/Linux command which is used to check the disk usage of files and directories. The du command has many parameters that can be used to get the results in different…
How to prevent hotlinking on Nginx and Apache
Hotlinking is bad – It could be quite annoying and concerning when someone copies full link to a media source such as an image or video on your website and uses that link to embed an image or video on…
Simplest way to create and include a helper functions file in Laravel 6/7/8/9
Helper functions are time saving tools in any application. Laravel comes with many built-in useful PHP functions which may include Array & Objects functions, String functions, URL functions and many more. Please see the complete list before you decide to…
Useful functions in Laravel and its Usage explained
There are many useful “helper” PHP functions in Laravel. According to documentation, “Many of these functions are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient.”
How to run URL from cronjob at specific time in Linux
Cron allows Linux users to run commands or scripts at a given date and time. Here I’m going to explain how to setup cron job in Linux in which you want to run URL at specific date-time. Each user has…
Traversing through Elements using jQuery
jQuery is a very powerful tool that provides various traversing methods to select the element randomly and sequentially. With jQuery selecting and finding an element becomes very easy. But at times, we may wish to improve the selection and when…
Get Started with Vi Editor
Vi editor is a command line text editor. It’s a single window with text input and output only. It is the most popular and classic text editor in the Linux and it is available in all Linux Distributions. There are…
Creating Custom Shortcode in WordPress
With a lot of customization with the theme WordPress also provide us to create our own Custom Shortcode. Basically, shortcodes are the small piece of code which let user to add dynamic content in WordPress posts, pages or sidebar widgets.…