When attaching the .dropzone() object via jQuery, generally it does not allow you to click child elements and open the upload dialog.
Using global constants and arrays in Laravel 5
Most of the time developers need to create common and global set of constants, variables and arrays which could be used anywhere in your application. There is a handy way to do it in Laravel 5.
Export and Import Mongodb commands
To restore earlier database mongorestore -d dbname -c users C:/mypath/to/old/dbname To export a collection mongoexport –db envyd –collection categories –out users_remote.json To import a collection mongoimport –db envyd –collection posts –file posts.json To Update Single or Multiple records Update single…
Bharat Matrimony Affiliate Program – Total Waste!
Like many bloggers I was looking to earn money online through affiliate marketing. Unfortunately I included Bharat Matrimony Affiliate Program as one of the affiliate partner. But eventually I was proved wrong. Why?
Export, Import MySQL db between different servers through Linux command line
You should have Database name, Database Username, Database Password and command line access to your server Export database to local file system, for example /var/www/html
How to create and configure your machine to use ssh key pair
SSH keys are used to secure your server from unwanted login attempts or even successful intrusions. SSH key pair is like a currency note split into two pieces and each one given to two parties which plan to communicate and…
ReactJS check radio/checkbox buttons and scrolling of wrapper div to top – fixed
Issue: There is a long list of categories to select from. Since the list was long and it could not fit within the wrapper div the maximum height of the wrapper div had to be set and make the wrapper…
How to prevent parent’s onclick event from firing when a child tag is clicked with jquery?
Generally, Javascript events bubble (listen) to the highest point in the DOM to which a click event had been attached. So even if you don’t have any other explicitly click-able elements in the div, every child element of the div…
How to get records filtered by a condition of another table field through join in Mongodb
I have two tables, posts and categories. In posts table there is a field categoryId. I want that only those posts are shown category of which is in enabled state, i.e. for which categories.enabled = true.
How to specify a port other than 3000 to run a create-react-app based app?
This post will show you how to specify a port other than 3000 for an app based on create-react-app. This solution is valid if your app is based on create-react-app.